This material is optically clear and will protect your bumper from minor scuffs which happen when something is rested on or falls on your bumper. This is a common issue when loading your vehicle or taking things out of the trunk.
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Clean the surface of the rear bumper. The easiest way to apply this is to wet the back of the protector. You can even use a little soap. This will allow you to slide the vinyl around, but will require the use of heat to really make it stick. This method is highly recommended. Focus mainly on the lead edge cause this is the visible edge. Using heat from a hair dryer or heat gun will help for the lead edge. Just make sure you use small amounts of heat and work you way up. If it would burn you, it will probably burn the material.
Center the overlay and start pushing out all the water / soap with your fingers. Do not use a squeegee or anything else that could potentially scratch the material. Continue until you reach the corners. Should anything come up in the few hours after install, just use heat immediately to press it down.
Over time the bond becomes stronger and the water you used will evaporate completely. The DIY install will leave you proud of the work you've done.